It was icy cold on Rohtang pass. And it was raining. So cold that the rain drops were turning to ice. I stopped for a customary picture. But realised my fingers were numb, with absolutely no sensation.
Riding all alone, I couldn't risk a frost bite. Rohtang pass is difficult. Rain slush and lack of visibility in that 2°C, made it even more difficult. So much so, that many riders returned, to come back another day. But, that wasn't an option for me.
In a desperate attempt, I put my hands directly on the burning hot silencer. I needed the heat, to feel my fingers. And my palms, cradled the silencer with a tssssss sound. I laughed.
I managed to take one bad picture, and my phone fell down. I laughed again.
Picked the phone, put it in my thigh pouch and wore my helmet.
And then I walked to a random stranger. Told him, "mere haath kaam nahi kar rahe(my hands are not working)". Asked him to fasten my helmet. And then pull the ropes of the poncho in place and button up the sides.
His friends joined too.There were 3 strangers helping me "gear up". They took some pics with me and this pic for me. I bid them bye.
And as soon as I gripped my accelerator, I realised, I burnt my palms.
I turned around, looked at the mountains, and said to myself, "Totally worth it".
#neninthe😎 #solorider #travellerdiaries